How to cancel a FaceApp subscription

FaceApp lets you use a variety of different features to play with photos. While you do need a Pro subscription to access every feature, once you get bored with the app, you don't want to keep paying for it. To cancel your subscription, you'll need to go through Google Play to keep from being charged again.

Here's how you cancel the FaceApp service once you've subscribed

  1. Open Google Play on your phone.
  2. Search for Faceapp in the search bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap on Manage Subscriptions.
  4. Tap on your FaceApp subscription.

  1. Tap Cancel Subscription at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap a reason for cancelling and then tap Continue.
  3. Tap Cancel Subscription one more time.

FaceApp doesn't cost much whether you're paying for it each month or each year. However, unless you opted into a forever subscription, you don't want to keep paying for something you don't use. Thankfully, Google Play makes it super easy to manage your subscriptions.

Face up to a better photography experience!

FaceApp lets you play with photos and filters to see what you'd look like under a variety of circumstances. If you want to take the best possible images to tweak, having accessories like lens kits and microfiber cloths can help.

Shuttermoon Lens Camera Kit

Shuttermoon Lens Camera Kit ($20 at Amazon)

Five different lenses along with a clamp to attach them to your phone and a carrying case to keep them safe make this kit excellent for getting the precise shot you want when you want it.

Camkix Universal 3-in-1

Camkix Universal 3-in-1 ($10 at Amazon)

This clip system lens lets you get better photos while buying on a budget.

Magic Fiber Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloths

Magic Fiber Microfiber Cleaning Cloths ($9 at Amazon)

Keep your camera lens free of smudges and scratches with this six-pack of microfiber cleaning cloths.

Jen Karner

Jen is a staff writer who spends her time researching the products you didn't know you needed. She's also a fantasy novelist and has a serious Civ VI addiction. You can follow her on Twitter.